
People at the core

We are focused towards making Schaeffler India a preferred employer where diverse individuals feel at home and are inspired to contribute with their unique talent and capabilities.

At Schaeffler, we are transforming our priorities towards People and Culture. We believe in having a more progressive approach by focused capability building and creating a positive workplace culture that aligns with our values and mission. To remain competitive in the current ecosystem, we focus on driving Strategic Talent Management and Talent Mobility initiatives via acquiring key talent, targeted career development, focused job rotation and effective talent engagement.

Capitals impacted

UN SDGs impacted

Key thrust areas

Demonstrate empathy and care
in all our actions

Collective and collaborative decision making and problem solving among teams

Building an inclusive culture with mutual respect and dialogue

Enabling and nurturing people

Training and Development

We at Schaeffler build future-ready competencies and nurture the capabilities of our people by offering continuous learning opportunities in diverse Technical and Behavioural areas like Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Business Simulation, New Technological changes, Leadership Development, Value Selling and Self-development.

These learning opportunities are delivered through structured classroom workshops, digital learning tools, and virtual learning modes via an integrated learning platform - Schaeffler Academy.

Schaeffler India employees clocked over 21,348 Digital Learning hours through Schaeffler Academy.

Particulars Behavioural
Number of classroom trainings 48 33 53
Number of employees covered in classroom trainings 94 303 588
Total Training Hours 3,590 2,312 6,508
Number of virtual trainings 64 61 26
Number of employees covered in virtual trainings 653 702 64
Total Training Hours 3,599 1,020 387
Number of Awareness Sessions 6 18 11
Number of employees covered in Awareness Sessions 81 180 215
Total Training Hours 286 1,151 758

Diversity and inclusion

We continue to make progress on diversity and inclusion to promote a culture of greater productivity and innovation, and workforce well-being.


Women in Board of Directors

Improving inclusivity and gender diversity

Since 2019, our Pune plant has been on a journey to improve inclusivity and gender diversity. Originally, our workforce had a low 2.3% diversity ratio, with women predominantly in office roles. However, committed to equality, we started offering opportunities on the shop floor. Currently, over 250 women are engaged in various roles across all shifts. The plant recognises the role of diversity in innovation and organisational success. We are focused on continuous improvement, ensuring a positive, safe, and healthy working culture, especially for our women employees. The plant’s efforts have set a precedent in fostering an equitable and inclusive future.


2019 diversity ratio


2023 diversity ratio

One more step towards creating a gender-neutral organisation

Paternity leave policy

We at Schaeffler India are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This year, we announced the paternity leave policy, which offers expectant parents the opportunity to embrace the joys of parenthood while ensuring a smooth transition into their new roles.

We firmly believe that by implementing this, we aim to create an even more inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive personally and professionally.

Health and wellness

Providing employees with a safe and healthy work environment is of paramount importance to us at Schaeffler India.

We believe that employee wellness and well-being are significant factors in driving the efficiency of a company’s operations. Therefore employee health and wellness are an important imperative with strong focus on emotional wellness and improving mental health.

We drive regular virtual sessions for our people to benefit from these sessions and create a more productive and positive workplace.


Average annual reduction target for LTIFR

Global Pulse Survey

Employee well-being, engagement and inclusion are key strategic priorities for us at Schaeffler India. The Global Pulse Survey measures how engaged our employees are and offers deep insights into what drives them. This year, the survey added the topics of Brand Resonance, Workplace Digitalisation and Post-survey Follow-up, in addition to other key indicators and drivers. The results reveal what is working well and what can be improved to better performance, drive transformation and retain our talent. The survey was fully anonymous and is compliant with General Data Protection Regulations.


Employee engagement score


Employee intend to stay at
Schaeffler for more than 3-5 years


Employee inclusion score

Looking ahead

  • Strengthen open communication channels
  • Focus on inclusive culture and collaboration
  • Sustain and further build on management-employeeorganisation connections
  • Strengthen people leadership development initiatives
  • Focused communication and follow-up on the survey results and action items

It gives me great pleasure to talk about the year gone by, reflecting the dedication and achievements of our talented employees. Our team’s commitment to excellence, growth, and collaboration has been instrumental in driving our organisation forward.

With Koovers, we took our first inorganic step towards expansion, with a clear commitment to keep the entrepreneurial spirit of Koovers intact.

Sustainability – a part of our corporate culture

Sustainability has been firmly established as a part of our corporate culture now. We continued to impart sustainability concepts across the organisation through our Climate Action Day initiative. We are ahead of the curve in imparting sustainability where performance measures linked to our sustainability targets.

Employee inputs – essential to us

We emphasise on the value of listening to our employees through a number of programmes. Our leadership teams places the utmost focus on gathering and acting upon inputs from our employees. From recruitment and talent development to employee engagement initiatives, we continue to prioritise the well-being and professional development of our people.

Going forward, we will stay focused and committed on building an inclusive and diverse workplace. We will continue to invest in capability building of our people and offer an inclusive ecosystem to nurture our talents.”

Santanu Ghoshal
Human Resources