About the report

Integrated thinking at Schaeffler

Scope and boundary of reporting

Approach to reporting

Schaeffler India Limited’s Integrated Annual Report is prepared in accordance with the international Integrated Reporting framework, issued by the Value Reporting Foundation. This report reflects our commitment to stakeholders for transparent communication and provides a detailed assessment of our ability to create sustainable value in the short, medium, and long term.

The report focuses on the Company’s achievements, its model of value creation, holistic performance, strategy, risk management, megatrends and opportunities and financial and non-financial performance including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives.

Reporting Period

January 01, 2023 – December 31, 2023

Operating businesses

The report covers the strategic, financial, and non-financial performance of businesses, including various manufacturing operations and supply chains.

Financial and non-financial reporting

The report extends beyond financial reporting and includes non-financial performance, opportunities, risks, and outcomes attributable to or associated with our key stakeholders, which have a significant influence on our ability to create value.

Responsibility statement

The integrity of the information presented in this report is verified by the management and the Board of Schaeffler India Limited to the best of their knowledge.

Key concepts

Value creation process

At Schaeffler India, we believe value creation is focused on optimising value (outcomes and outputs) for our stakeholders. This is a consequence of how we allocate and enhance our ‘capitals’. The capitals are stocks of value that are increased, decreased, or transformed through the activities of the organisation.

Simplified presentation of value creation process

Input ▸ Outputs
Outcome ▸ Stakeholders

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Materiality and material matters

We apply the principle of materiality to assess what information should be included in the integrated annual report. We focus particularly on those issues, opportunities, and challenges that impact materially on the ability to create and deliver value in the short, medium, and long term.

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Frameworks and standards used in reporting

Apart from abiding by the guiding principles and content elements of the International Framework, this report abides by the following frameworks, guidelines, and standards:

Disclaimer: The Company is not liable with regard to any data/information appearing in this report, taken from the public domain.


To aid navigation and indicate cross-referencing, the following icons have been used in the report.


Financial Capital

Manufacturing Capital

Intellectual Capital

Human Capital

Social & Relationship Capital

Natural Capital






Suppliers and partners


Key risks we track

Strategic risks

Operational risks

Legal risks

Financial risks

Contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)