Businesses should respect and promote human rights
Essential Indicators

1. Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity, in the following format:

FY 2023 FY 2022
Total (A) No. of employees/workers covered (B) %(B/A) Total (C) No. of employees/workers covered (D) %(D/C)
Permanent 1,566 1,566 100% 1,547 1,547 100%
Other than permanent 129 129 100% 94 94 100%
Total employees 1,695 1,695 100% 1,641 1,641 100%
Permanent 1,292 1,292 100% 1,324 1,324 100%
Other than permanent 2,237 2,237 100% 225 225 100%
Total Workers 3,529 3,529 100% 1,549 1,549 100%

2. Details of minimum wages paid to employees and workers, in the following format:

Category FY 2023 FY 2022-23
Total (A) Equal to Minimum Wage More than Minimum Wage Total (D) Equal to Minimum Wage More than Minimum Wage
No. (B) %(B/A) No. (C) %(C/A) No.(E) %(E/D) No.(F) %(F/D)
Permanent 1,566 0 0% 1,566 100% 1,547 0 0% 1,547 100%
Male 1,468 0 0% 1,468 100% 1,449 0 0% 1,449 100%
Female 98 0 0% 98 100% 98 0 0% 98 100%
Other than permanent 129 0 0% 129 100% 94 0 0% 94 100%
Male 105 0 0% 105 100% 71 0 0% 71 100%
Female 24 0 0% 24 100% 23 0 0% 23 100%
Permanent 1,292 0 0% 1,292 100% 1,324 0 0% 1,324 100%
Male 1,264 0 0% 1,264 100% 1,296 0 0% 1,296 100%
Female 28 0 0% 28 100% 28 0 0% 28 100%
Other than permanent 2,237 1,071 48% 1,166 52% 3,558 1,106 31% 2,452 69%
Male 2,006 948 47% 1,058 53% 3,274 928 28% 2,346 72%
Female 231 123 53% 108 47% 284 178 63% 106 37%

3. Details of remuneration/salary/wages, in the following format:

Male Female
Number Median remuneration/ salary/ wages of respective category (₹) Number Median remuneration/ salary/ wages of respective category (₹)
Board of Directors (BoD) 6 5,342,500 3 6,115,000
Key Managerial Personnel 3 19,532,508 0 -
Employees other than BoD and KMP 1,471 1,329,150 102 936,006
Workers 1,743 751,416 63 288,360

4. Do you have a focal point (Individual/Committee) responsible for addressing human rights impacts or issues caused or contributed to by the business? (Yes/No)

Yes. Regional Compliance Officer is first point of contact for issues regarding Human Rights. email id:

In addition, anyone can send a mail with questions related to Human rights to OR In case of violation of Human rights, a complaint can be filed via the Schaeffler Whistle Blowing Channel

In addition, at each plant we have Industrial Relations & Admin. Which takes care of Human rights issues at plant level. Also, at company level we have various committees which takes care of Human rights issues E,g Grievance Redressal Committee, POSH Committee, Townhall meeting by ELT(Executive leadership team).

5. Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issues.

The Schaeffler Human Rights Policy is applicable to all employees from January 01, 2024 within the Schaeffler Group. The policy defines binding instructions for all employees facilitating the respect for human rights and the prevention of human rights violations in all business activities of Schaeffler, incl. own organisations and the supply chain.

  • An appropriate and effective grievance management mechanism allows for the effective prevention, and remediation of adverse human rights-related impacts caused by company and business activities. Regional Compliance Officer is first point of contact for issues regarding Human Rights.
  • In addition, anyone can send a mail with questions related to Human rights: OR
  • Both employees and affected rights holders outside the company have the opportunity to submit information about potential human rights violations through the Schaeffler whistleblower system.
  • Complaint can be filed by writing to Incident reporting system anonymously Via Business keeper Monitoring system (BKMS) We provide an electronic reporting system in 20 different languages and reports can be submitted through various reporting channels.
  • This information can be also provided the telephone hotline numbers to report verbally at global level.
    +55 61 35507564 (Portuguese, English, German), +86 10 65997961 (Chinese, English, German)
    + 49 30 99257146 (German, English, French), +1 213 2791015 (English, Spanish, German).

6. Number of Complaints on the following made by employees and workers:

FY 2023 FY 2022
Filed during the year Pending resolution at the end of year Remarks Filed during the year Pending resolution at the end of year Remarks
Sexual Harassment 1 1 Complaint is under investigation 1 1 The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted to redress complaints received regarding sexual harassment. A complaint received in 2022 was investigated in the same year, and the investigation was concluded in 2023, as required by the POSH Act.
Discrimination at workplace 0 0 0 0
Child Labour 0 0 0 0
Forced Labour/Involuntary Labour 0 0 0 0
Wages 0 0 0 0
Other human rights related issues 0 0 0 0

7. Mechanisms to prevent adverse consequences to the complainant in discrimination and harassment cases.

There is an online tool where complainant can lodge complaint anonymously Such a tool is accessible only to Compliance department. Enquiry is conducted on accused irrespective of complainant. If complainant discloses identity voluntarily and participates in enquiry process, due care is taken by Internal Compliance Committee (includes external member) to follow confidentiality as much as possible. Till such time that enquiry is in process, complainant has option to work from other location (incl work from home). So far, there have been no such instances of adverse consequences to the complainant.

8. Do human rights requirements form part of your business agreements and contracts? (Yes/No)


  • We also have the Supplier Code of Conduct signed off with all suppliers of Schaeffler India. This is also required for all new suppliers who are added to the Schaeffler India supplier base.
  • During new supplier selection, we also have specific questions related to Sustainability in the “new supplier selection questionnaire” (SIA – Supplier Initial Assessment). If any new supplier who is added into the supplier base have to fulfil the requirements related to Sustainability.
  • Schaeffler wants its supplier adhere to Sustainability Target Agreement (STA) in which sustainability aspects are defined together with business partners, and their development is monitored over the period of this Agreement.
  • We also have Sustainability Assessment questionnaire for existing supplier which covers the sections: Company Management, Human Rights and Working Conditions, Health and Safety, Business Ethics, Environment, Responsible Supply Chain Management and Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials.

9 Assessments for the year:

% of your plants and offices that were assessed* (by entity or statutory authorities or third parties)
Child labour 100%
Forced/involuntary labour 100%
Sexual harassment 100%
Discrimination at workplace 100%
Wages 100%

* Schaeffler India internal assessment done at 4 plants & corporate office.

10. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks/concerns arising from the assessments at Question 9 above.

We have not received such complaints. However, during the investigation following two areas of concern found.

  • During the investigation it was found that some employees were working beyond permissible working hour. For tracking of excess working hour & to mitigate this issue Digital tool, Online time tracking system was developed. Which will give accurate data of time tracking.
  • Some of the premises was not having proper infrastructure facilities for physically disabled people. Hence action was initiated to basic infrastructure development plan for differently-abled persons for all the states. (refer P5 (L3) for plan details)
Leadership Indicators

1. Details of a business process being modified/introduced as a result of addressing human rights grievances/complaints.

We received 1 POSH complaint this year, which was resolved during the year immediately. We have taken a step ahead to make employees more agile & vigilant towards POSH issues. Along with online meetings that being attended from home and other places, apart from offices for POSH, we also conduct physical session to spread awareness about POSH mechanism.

2. Details of the scope and coverage of any Human rights due-diligence conducted.

Respect for human rights is an integral part of Schaeffler’s culture. In designing its human rights processes, Schaeffler follows recognised standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the National Action Plan for Human Rights (NAP), complies with current legislation, and incorporates stakeholder requirements.

Schaeffler thus creates the basis for a comprehensive company-wide human rights due diligence. Human rights due diligence conducted through circulating questionnaire & it has 100% coverage of employees of organisation.

These efforts are reflected in a large number of measures that encompass the company’s own organisation as well as its purchasing network and business partners. The measures are combined in a systematic management approach: the Human Rights Compliance Management System.

The Human Rights Compliance Management System comprises 5 fields of action:

  • Accepting Responsibility
  • Identifying Risks
  • Introducing Effective Measures
  • Informing and Reporting
  • Facilitating Grievances

Schaeffler is committed to the respect of human rights in our own company and in our supply chain. Company strived to protect people from being exploited while doing business in a way that is both profitable and ethical.

3. Is the premise/office of the entity accessible to differently abled visitors, as per the requirements of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016?

Company recognises importance of meeting the requirements of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, hence taking steps forward to fulfill those requirement. We are also in the process of making our other premises inclusive and accessible. We have initiated basic infrastructure development plan for Diff-abled persons, in all the plants. This plan includes developing following facilities for differently abled persons, includes following:

  • Signages
  • Separate Entry-Exit for punching
  • Elevator, Ramp and Handrails
  • Dedicated Parking
  • Washrooms/Restrooms are few of them

4. Details on assessment of value chain partners:

We have Sustainability Assessment questionnaire for existing supplier which covers the Human rights related topics Viz: Company Management, Human Rights and Working Conditions, Health and Safety, Business Ethics, Environment, Responsible Supply Chain Management and Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials.

% of value chain partners (by value of business done with such partners) that were assessed
Child labour 89%
Forced/involuntary labour 89%
Sexual harassment 89%
Discrimination at workplace 89%
Wages 89%

5. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks/concerns arising from the assessments at Question 4 above.

During the fiscal year 2023 the Company screened its Critical suppliers (based on volume criteria) using social and environmental criteria through Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and found no negative social or environmental impacts. However, under NQC assessment 03 suppliers were identified having issue related with Human rights. They were referred to Responsible Supply Chain Initiative Audit (RSCI). It is mandatory for all suppliers of Schaeffer to declare their commitments towards Schaeffer’s sustainability requirements during registration. We are working closely with the suppliers on improving their sustainability rating through improvement action.